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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Somebody Like Me....

In this crazy, mixed up world that I live in, I can't help but wonder sometimes when the drama will end. I know that God has everything in complete control and I trust Him beyond measure! With that being said I was sitting at a family members house this week and thinking about all the things that I have been going through lately and decided - pitty party - table for me - I was feeling really sorry for numero uno!! Is it not amazing how we as human beings think that the world strickly revolves around us and that even though we care about others - our problems just seem way more than theirs. Ever had one of those times? Who hasn't right?

Well in my pitty party moment at the family members house, I started to look around me and I saw somethings that touched my heart! I saw a couple family members who stepped up and took care of things - just to help the other one out -- I mean that's what families do -- well at least my family, but it was in this and then coming to another family members house and hearing a song that somethings just clicked in this hard headed round thing attached to my shoulders!

I was listening to the song by Jason Crabb called "Somebody Like Me" and the words seemed to just jump out at me that day. It made me sit and think, when are we as Christians going to quit with the pitty parties and the looking out for numero uno and when are we going to become the Church that Christ taught us in His word to be. The song paints a picture for me - a ole drunk comes to church - fully knowing that's where he needs to be - but the self righteousness of the congregation gets in the way and he realizes they don't want him there so he gets up and leaves and no one stops him. Can you imagine what might have happened at that church - if somebody would have gotten up and came and sat down beside that man and welcomed him to that church or when he felt uncomfortable would have met him at the door and asked him not to leave and sat back down with him. I pray God give us the boldness to be a somebody who will take a stand - to go against the grain - be a difference maker -- I think I'm going to have to use this song as my new daily thought -- somebody like me -- Lord let this somebody like me - reflect you - let this somebody like me do your will -- not mine -- take the me out and let this somebody be your reflection and your hands extended. True to the words of that song if we would be the somebody like me - that ole drunk would have probably stayed in that service and became a beautiful new creature - just an ole sinner saved by grace!

Let's be that "somebody like me" be the somebody who reflects Christ in everything that we do!

Trish D