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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So it's defintely been a while since I've gotten to sit down and just blog my thought to you. It's not that I have been overly busy but things have just been happening that I will go into details later about. For those who know me know that for the last year I have been unemployed and have not had any luck whatsoever finding a job or even getting an interview for a job. I have cried and been frustrated over this but at the same time I have been in full God trusting mode. I haven't felt worried over not having a job maybe I should be I mean yes I have been frustrated and did a lot of crying about it but I've not been worried because I know that God is taking care of me and I fully and completely trust Him. I have always known and find that when I'm feeling down about not having a job that usually God places someone in my life to say an encouraging word, or a hear a song, or I read a scripture in the Bible and I know that it's God's way of continuing to show me that He cares.
God is always showing how He cares for me and for that I am so grateful because with the being down about being unemployed it restores my faith in myself which I don't have a lot of.
No matter what you are going through or facing all we need to do is put our trust and our faith in Jesus Christ. I know that because I have a relationship with Him and I live for Him that He is taking care of me and He will defintely do the same for you if you just allow Him to.

Trish D