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Monday, June 29, 2009

Music of My Heart....

There is a beautiful song by Nicole C Mullen that is called the Music of my Heart…it is a very powerful anthem to our Lord and Savior. She sings it so beautifully to the Lord, you’re the music of my heart, the melody within my soul. I think about that song today, because within the struggles and trials that I have been walking through these past few weeks and even months, that song rings true in my heart today, Lord you are the music of my heart, you are the melody within my soul, you’re the one who keeps me and sustains me, and when I don’t feel like I can take another step, I’m reminded usually through another of Nicole C Mullen’s songs and also sang by the Crabb Family that in this trial I can look and I can see that My Reedemer Lives. I know that even though I have been walking through a very hard time that I can stand upon the Rock of MY salvation and HE is there – He is the constant that keeps the music in my heart – just like last night at church – my heart so heavy and burdened I was to lead praise and worship, and as I stepped to the microphone and began to sing Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see – My chains are gone I’ve been set free MY God MY Savior has ransomed me and like a flood His mercy reigns unending love Amazing Grace!

The music of my heart this morning even though it is the dreaded Monday of the work week – My Chains are Gone – those chains of sin that I’ve been set free from – and when I walk through the trials and test of my salvation – I know that I can make it because my Redeemer lives and He’s gonna take me through this fire again! This to shall pass and the victories are ahead!

Is there something that maybe you’ve been struggling with – a trial or a test you’ve been going through – and maybe you’ve been thinking here lately about quitting or giving in – or maybe you just feel down right defeated – let me encourage you today – go to your source – run to Him – He will see you through – and if you need prayer by all means were here to pray with you!

Would love to hear from you drop us a comment or even a prayer request!

Be Blessed

Trish D

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