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Friday, March 20, 2009

And the children sang....

Sitting today reflecting on my class on Wednesday night - the power of Christ through music and through children.

I teach the 5-9 year old boys/girls at church and on Wednesday night after having a great youth revival this past weekend I asked them what they wanted from God. --- What they told me amazed me -- they wanted to have a worship service in class!!!! So that's exactly what we did! Instead of just going through the motions of a lesson, fun time, and snack, we had church for there age group.

My mind reflects at the beautiful picture of worship that these kids showed. There was one of my students that really portrayed this to me. One young girl – she is 8 years old –after we decided to sing the song “Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone” – as we began to sing this song this 8 year old began to close her eyes, lift her hands and just pour her heart out in worship to her Jesus. That song is ringing in my head as I sit here today....

“Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see, My chains are gone, I’ve been set free, My God, My Savior, has ransomed me, and like a flood his mercy reigns, unending love, Amazing Grace”

Oh the joy that fills my heart and soul when I see the worship on those children’s face – and just knowing how important worship is to our Savior – and knowing that we must come to Him as a little child. I can only imagine the sweet aroma of praise that went up before God on that Wednesday night all because…..the children sang…..

Trish D.

1 comment:

  1. Kids are fun, aren't they? In our church we call this time, "Children's Church" (I assume you're talking about during worship service & not SS) because the kids do like to have their own worship, don't they? I guess it's a cross b/c we do fun stuff too!

