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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I Bow before the King is words taken from a song. Bowing is more then an
external act. For it is possible to bow on the outside but not on the inside.
Possible to be bowed on the outside standing on the inside.
It's not the external motions he is after, the bowing of the knees the rending of the garment as in the book of Joel, but the heart condition. For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. For where our heart is there will be our treasure also.
To bow, to the human mind set is a very defenseless position but it is a symbol of surrender, somebody else is in control. It is hard to defend yourself in this
position so there must be trust involved.
So as we bow before the King with our heart our treasures will have changed, our desires will have changed and also our dependences change.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom of Heaven"
Poor are those who are totally depending upon God, they can have the kingdom of heaven.

Charles D.

Site NOTE: Special Thanks to our Guest Blogger Rev. Charles DeBord. Charles is a great man of God and a great influence in our lives and this ministry. Thank you for your word and insight on how we need to bow before our King.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for those words. "Bow" is a word that I don't think of the meaning at all! I guess it is possible to "Bow internally". When I think of the word, I think of being humble, so to be able to come before the Lord in our hearts & minds, to bow down before him, that is an awesome thought!

    ~In Christ's Love,
